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The Power of Metaphor

Metaphors drive understanding. Through metaphor we don’t just see our connectedness, we feel it. For Marshall here, the metaphor is the river. Running rapids in a kayak. I don’t have to be a kayaker to understand that. I just have to have a basic understanding of rivers.

What we do in the office and what we do outside of it are not two different things. Despite what Marshall says, the line between those two places is not as hard as it might seem. I get what he’s saying. Each has its place. But there is much in common between the mentality required of each. Survival is not the dire binary of life and death but there is a certain danger, a certain seriousness, the office shares with the river.

But that’s not the point. We can tell much about this man by how he looks at the world and spends his time. This profile is more than just a picture. It’s a glimpse into how he thinks. And that’s the whole point of these ODEs (which is what I call these story portraits). I’m interested in how a person looks at the world. I want to know what you believe. It’s what’s in your heart that matters most, not what’s in your resume.

I have printed these large and put them on walls. Imagine being able to walk into a conference room and immersing yourself into a whole team. Sure, they’re great for social media and website About Us pages but imagine them in books, or blown up poster size. This is my dream.

If you might be interested in getting ODEs for your execs or teams, message me. I’m not just a photographer. I’m a storyteller. And I want to help write yours.

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