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Fine Art Prints & Stock Photography

The Last Oak

The Last Oak

Trees have always entranced me. They are, to me, as sentient and alive as any human. ~ Vincent



Everything is fascinating. I don't know. You can look at something a hundred times and still never see it. ~ Vincent



The earth abides.



This has become sort of my signature image. An open hand, a startling discovery. If I could I'd make it my tattoo. ~ Vincent

Tree of Life

Tree of Life

The Chinatown Y

The Chinatown Y

The Bathwater

The Bathwater





Serendipity is everything. I have no vision. I'm like a hunter in a blind, waiting. ~ Vincent

Mount Burdell

Mount Burdell

The Gondolier

The Gondolier

It's like a dream, Venice. What madness drove those people to build a city in the water on a network of wooden wooden piers? ~ Vincent

Two Women by the Sea

Two Women by the Sea



The stain of humanity. The grit, the stink. Decay. Order. Chaos. The arrogance of straight lines and then to see them crumble. ~ Vincent

Oil Drum Reflection

Oil Drum Reflection

Apparently even oil drums have dreams ~ Vincent

The Tiny King of Greenland

The Tiny King of Greenland

I started thinking about little people. Scale model figures for trains. I wanted to take them out of that world and put them in the real one to see what they might say. ~ Vincent

Road Wing

Road Wing

You can't make this stuff up. I don't. The more photographs I take the more I understand synchronicity. This was right about the time I lost my wings. ~ Vincent



It's the rear window of an old pick-up shot up with bullet holes. But it's also a diatom floating in a primordial pool. ~ Vincent



The illusion is this: That we're all separate and special, that spirit respects the boundary of skin. ~ Vincent

The Horseman

The Horseman

How many times have YOU passed GO? ~ Vincent

Bat Ray Mud Hole

Bat Ray Mud Hole

Sometimes I cannot believe my eyes. Even a picture is no proof. Did this actually happen? ~ Vincent

It's a form of touch, photography, and it can be intimate. But sometimes I have to remember to put down the camera and reach out too. ~ Vincent

The Drunken Boat

The Drunken Boat

If it's utilitarian and discarded, I fall in love with it. Because I cannot take it home, I borrow its reflection. ~ Vincent



I'm drawn to anything made of iron. Of metal. A Chevy truck is like a decaying temple. It still holds its promise after all these years. ~ Vincent

Tidal Treasures

Tidal Treasures

The closer you get, the more you see. Photography is like being a scientist without having to explain anything. ~ Vincent

The Seismograph

The Seismograph

I started to see it as a waveform, like a digital map of a song or a sound. And I thought, this is like light's echo. ~ Vincent

The Old Bottle

The Old Bottle

So the Little People became this thing. I carried them in my pocket like passengers and I was always on the lookout for some predicament to put them in. ~ Vincent

From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up

But trees also terrify me. So I guess this is a way of dealing with that. Of confronting it. ~ Vincent

Three Marys

Three Marys

Joshua Tree is haunted by the ghost of some great cataclysm. Just look at the rocks there. They made me weep. ~ Vincent

Storm Loss

Storm Loss

People say I'm obsessed with death but I'm actually obsessed with life. I don't believe in death. Bodies are vehicles we step in and out of like taxi cabs. ~ Vincent

The Supplicant

The Supplicant

It was in Venice, and it was one of those moments when I just raised the camera as I passed and shot and it was perfect. ~ Vincent

Sycamore, Pruned

Sycamore, Pruned

It didn't look real when I saw it. It appeared to be an illustration. Sometimes I need the camera in order to prove that I saw what I saw. ~ Vincent



I guess I see them as a metaphor. Where are we now and where are we going? ~ Vincent

Wind River Junction

Wind River Junction

In nature there are no right angles. I've always loved that axiom, and I'm drawn to curves again and again. - Vincent

The Q

The Q

Kelp can dry in such amazing formations. I was born in the year of the serpent. That's how I see these. ~ Vincent

Petra Dermis

Petra Dermis

Fractal geometry of lines and cracks on the surface of a stone. It's like an alphabet, a hieroglyphic. There's no Rosetta Stone for this. ~ Vincent

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