Own the Power DynamicI’ve said this before but your face is an invitation and your portrait (on social media, websites, bios etc.) is either going to beckon...
Alive and WiseA photograph is a portal through which we may enter the heart of another human being. It is a glimpse of something that cannot be fully...
Why You Need to Always be Steeped in ArtIt was my first portrait booking outside of San Francisco. Never before had I been flown in for photos but New York City is my hometown...
You, ClassicIf you’re reading this then my strategy worked. I shot a photograph intriguing enough to pique your curiosity. This particular location...
Emit Your GlowThe thing about portrait photography is the page is never blank. I don’t have to *do* anything, I don’t have to *think* about anything....
Want a Great Portrait? Become a Child.I think that maybe the trick to doing a (good) portrait is to see oneself in another person. That may seem obvious. That may seem facile....
The Wordless Power of YouEvery day I look through photos I have taken and write about one. This forces me to think about photography. This helps me to remember...
The DopplegangerPeople are sometimes concerned about the background. But it doesn’t really matter. Unless it detracts from your face. You see, we’re...
Dance LessonsYour profile photos say something about you. There’s the obvious, the physical part, and the not-so-obvious subtle energies and...
A Portrait of EyesWhat if we only looked at each other’s eyes and nothing else? Forget the head and the body and the skin. Our eyes, those soul gateways,...
How to Prepare for a Portrait, Part 1: WomenYou’re getting your portrait done and maybe you dread the moment. You don’t like cameras and the whole concept sort of freaks you out....
An ODE to Edward, SFFDSometimes people ask me to do an ODE for them, and sometimes I ask them to allow me to tell their story. Such was the case with Edward...
Portraits Done By FeelAs someone who takes photography seriously I spend a lot of time looking at the surfaces of people and things. It appears that these...
Listening with Your EyesIn a flash, in one instantaneous moment, who we are can be captured and conveyed. Our vital essence, our humanity, is right there for all...
It's the New Yorker in Me (that finds the real you)I've said it before but it's worth repeating a thousand more times. Being authentic, and coming across authentic, really matters. Because...