Because LoveGood leaders care about their people. They just don’t say they care, they actually do. And that is demonstrated by their actions. But...
An ODE to HealersIt’s strange and miraculous how people come into our lives. We are each like celestial objects hurtling through space until our...
An ODE to ZoëAn ODE to the girl she was, an ODE to the young woman's she's become. I couldn't be more proud, and it's got nothing to do with her...
Love is the Ultimate in InfrastructureThis man came into my life through a friend who has since passed on and he is but one of her many gifts to me. I have long wished to do...
All Dogs Are Good Dogs“Is he a good dog?’ My daughter pointed at a nearby mixed breed, unsure of its disposition. “All dogs are good dogs” , I said. And I...