Strangers No MoreHe was a stranger that day. He just walked up to me and asked if I could take his picture. We were in Chinatown. It was my birthday. I...
A Galaxy So Close You Can Touch ItWe can’t possibly know what’s going on inside a person. But there’s a whole universe in there, an entire lifetime of experiences and...
Fleeting GlancesI know that we are so much more than we see. We are not our photographs, not our reflections. Yet, in those things there is an aura of...
How to Create a Visceral PortraitI shot all these DBI portraits with a 50mm 1.2. For most of you that means nothing. But do you notice how there’s almost a 3D quality to...
The InvitationDo I want to meet this person? Is their photograph asking me to sit down and talk? I’ve said before that a good portrait beckons...
The DopplegangerPeople are sometimes concerned about the background. But it doesn’t really matter. Unless it detracts from your face. You see, we’re...
Portraits Done By FeelAs someone who takes photography seriously I spend a lot of time looking at the surfaces of people and things. It appears that these...