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The Truth That Can't Be Seen

In photographs we sometimes glimpse that little spark of life in us. There’s something beyond perception, beyond what we can see with our eyes, that manifests. Our more subtle senses pick this up. In some photographs. How does this happen?

I think (and this is just a guess) that when two people agree to see each other something comes through from a realm of spirit. And that something transcends time, generations, form. We live in a time when if we can’t see it with our own eyes we don’t believe it’s true but what of all the truth that can’t be seen?

Not everything can be labeled, cataloged or numbered. Data is fine for stock markets and purchasing trends but can data capture the human soul? They say this is the era of ‘big data’ and perhaps that’s why we seem to be losing that sense of humanity, the sanity of human interaction, that helped us to know each other as individuals.

Maybe I’m probing too deeply for a photography blog. These essays are supposed to be about what sets my photography apart and photography is often seen through (forgive me) a technical lens. But that’s not how I see it at all. My approach is very personal. But so are my portraits. And I realize that’s not for everyone; which is why I’m still struggling.

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